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Interview: Olivier Lafont


Simran: Firstly, congratulations on the grand success of your book ‘’Sweet Revenge’’. Tell us a little about yourself.
Olivier Lafont: Thank you! As for me, I’m a French author and actor. I consider myself a storyteller first and foremost, and acting and writing as different facets of that. I’ve loved stories from as far back as I can remember, reading and watching them, writing them. That’s been the most constant impulse of my life. I talk about my life and passion in terms of constancy because I’ve lived in several different countries, and experienced different cultures up close. So I write from an inherently multicultural experience, and it’s been quite interesting forming my own identity and individual culture and translating that into my stories.

Simran: We know that you are one awesome writer. Tell us about your book Sweet Revenge, what it means to you, and how did you conceive the idea ? How long did it take to write this book?
Olivier Lafont: Thanks again! ‘Sweet Revenge’ is a contemporary romance novel, a classic story of lovers torn apart and brought back together by destiny years later. I actually wrote the book as a bit of a lark, for my wife. So it has that ‘sentimental’ value, as something I did for her. It was a really interesting experience as well, writing with that form and structure. I always like having some romance in the books I write, but having the entire book focused on romance was an interesting experiment. Making the hero French was clearly inspired by my own origin, and the American aspects were inspired by my American influences. All told the book must have taken about a month to write.

Simran: What was your learning from writing your book?
Olivier Lafont: That romance is quite fun to write!

Simran: When do you write the most? Is there a favorite place at your home or office where you write the most? Any props that you feel lucky to keep with you when writing?
Olivier Lafont: When I’m in a writing phase I try to be consistent with my writing sessions. I usually write in the day. I have created a completely comfortable environment in my house, one where everything I need is immediately at hand so that there are minimum distractions. I don’t believe in lucky charms, but I like having my wife in the room somewhere, so maybe she is my lucky charm.

Simran: We would be happy to know about any future projects that you are currently working on?”
Olivier Lafont: I’m giving some thought to a sequel for ‘Warrior’. I also have a new Young Adult novel for which I’m looking for the right publisher.


  1. This guy is Suhas from 3 Idiots right? :)

  2. good one Simran....

    wishing you and family a very happy new year ....

    May all your dreams come true.. have a fantabulous new year



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