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Here is my heart


There's a time in your life for you to dream

And sometimes things aren't what they seam,

The wish you to hold inside you precious heart..

And sometimes things change from the start!
Then the magical moment that happens at last,
A kiss, a touch, just a word can all happen so fast,

On a night like tonight as I wish you were here,
Holding me close to your heart so we're near,
Each time I look into your eyes I know its true!
All my life I have prayed for someone like you,
Here is my heart its always been yours to keep,
There is a feeling so strong if you dig down deep,

I know that you know its a feeling so strong,
I'd tell you I love you in a poem or even a song..
You've had my heart from the very first thought,
This love was a priceless feeling, wasn't bought,
 I'll give you everything that comes along,
This life we live is real, nothing could go wrong..

So here is my heart its yours to spoil and always hold,
Our love is flexibly fair yet sometimes isn't easy to fold,
So come what may but you're in my heart forever,
So take good care of it, if you want us to be together,
I promise I'll do my best to treat you with respect,
I'll never leave your side, betray or even neglect.

Credits: google


  1. "You've had my heart from the very first thought,This love was a priceless feeling, wasn't bought"

    yes, this is wonderful :)

  2. awwww <3
    that is so awesome :)

  3. beautiful love poem!
    enjoyed it very much!
    thank you

  4. Beautiful words by a beautiful girl..your words reflect your beauty..and I love this touching poem of yours.

  5. Welcome back Simran. You have come back with a poem with this beautiful love poem.

  6. Ab tak tha jo mera wo ab tumhara hai...

    Beautiful, romantic lines. Keep writing. :)

    Blasphemous Aesthete

  7. stuffed with Love.....

    well done simran.

  8. wonderful poem Simran, love is everywhere in the air.

  9. Very well written... Full with deep emotions :)

  10. beautiful poem sim...likes ur thoughts and I'll never leave your side, and neva betray :) good 1!!!

  11. is cool, bookmarked!

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  12. Beautiful and straight form the heart...words that reflect sheer innocence and purity of love...nice lines:)

  13. @anummunaf
    How sweet,
    Thanks :)

  14. @Hope..
    I'm so happy that you liked it !:)
    Thank you <3

  15. @Alps
    So sweet of you..
    Thank you so much dear..I'm happy that you liked it :)
    Take care

  16. @Rimly
    Thanks for such a warm welcome :)
    Lot's of love coming to your way from my side :)

  17. @Anshul
    How sweet ..
    Thank you :)

  18. @fantacy in practicality
    Yup it is !
    Thank you :)

  19. @GvSparx- Inspiring Life
    Thank you :)

  20. @Geets
    Thank you :)

    Hey , thanks :)

    thanks for such wonderful words :)

    Thank you so much :)

  21. love is in the air sweet...n it was so good to read ur poems finally...amazin post.:)

  22. That was very innocent and beautiful Simran :) <3

  23. @Ph_
    I'm Glad that you liked it!:)
    Thank you so much dear ..

  24. @Vaisakhi:
    Welcome back :)
    Thanks for appreciating my posts :)

  25. Wonderful rhyming!
    In the second line should it not be 'Seem' in place of 'seam' ?

    Keep writing girl!

  26. @Snehu,
    It's seam,Snehu :p
    Thank you :)


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