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Fred, the Fly

I am just another being 
Dwelling on this wandering star 
I know, you're not interested  
Still I will precede, spar!

Last word doesn't justify me 
Sweet, defines me better. No?
I am Fred, a fly
Don't raise up your brow

My wings flutter with grace
Drifts towards wherever it likes
A new venture to take 
Cannot resist myself to hike

Who does not love temptation?
No different in my case
It feels good to see
a kid trying to embrace

Perhaps, my presence disturbs you
But then, I don't bother
Because you never did for me
Sweet music interrupt your slumber 

Do you know reason behind?
Though humans are the wisest 
Yet they are so oblivious 
 To remember, an aura, brightest 

A  mere planet of garbage
 earth would be without me
Every creation of the God 
Has some reason. Let me live with glee 

Composed for A to Z Challenge 


  1. Please be my teacher and teach me how to write such sweet poems :-)

    1. That's a great compliment, Emerald :)
      Glad you find them sweet. I'd love to help you in all possible ways and it will a be great process for both of to learn something from each other.

      Thank you! :-)

  2. haha fred is bound to be the most logical and not hated fly in the history! A very different and innovative thought...Nice one simi...:)

    1. He is so obstinate that you can not hate him even if you want to :D
      Thanks Vaisakhi :)

  3. True, every creature has got some reason to exist. Very beautiful poem dear. :)

    1. Glad you find it beautiful, Namu :)
      Was eager to know your views....thank you so much :)

  4. Wow girl. That was a mature piece of writing. :)

  5. wow wow....beautiful,,how didu get all ideas simran...very talented u r..u should write one book sweetie

    my recent one :

    1. So sweet of you Teju :)
      I'll surly write in future...
      Thank you so much...great to have you around :)

  6. Yes yes, Sims :) Please teach me to write such wonderful fly poems too.

    1. Kidding or what ??
      I am learning that from you, Dearo :)

  7. Beautiful poem Simi! The last stanza is wonderful and filled with wisdom. Every creation has its beauty and purpose...Beautifully written!

    1. Thank you so much Valli :)
      Your words are always inspiring to me.

  8. Fred the fly is really a good guy!

  9. Every creature in this world has a purpose and a reason behind his or her birth just like the fly…on reading your poem I felt that whatever you write will rock.

    1. Exactly :)
      If you'll keep reading me and encouraging me I'm sure I'll rock ! :)
      Thanks di

      Much love


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