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An Enigmatic Window To Reality

Closing my eyes an enigmatic window opens before my sight
Whirling abyss assimilating smoke and shimmering shine
Blurred my sight with turmoil void trans-versing to radiant vision
Diverse the climax and scenes merging together arise
Full of conflict and strife; no spark of love but of disputes
Destitute my soul but helpless at the same time
Discarded I was to put my feet in that dreamy world!
The world full of abhorrence and aversion
Unable to bear the affliction around I closed that enigmatic window
Opening my eyes before the realistic world ;the real life!
Realized I the sweat on my body with the heat of injustice and war
Ranging at rapid pace like fire!
The same scenes and climax 
I stared at with unbelievable glance happening around
And this time no more I were bound 
My eyes are in a search...
In search of a way!
A strong voice aloud in my throbbing heart
You can do it!
You can Change this malfeasance change,
Because you are changed to make Changes!
Changes that could make justice with sanction of truth
I am in action !
Action to discharge the transgression. 

Wish you all a very Happy Diwali !!! 


  1. This was an amazing poem ... so much of feelings deep within the roots ... loved it and truly inspiration !!!

    Have a Happy and Fun - Filled Diwali :-)

    1. I believe they are feelings who give a magical touch to words with an illustration :-)
      Happy you felt inspired... Changes are good if they are making good.

      Thank you so much! Happy Diwali to you too :-)

  2. Great poem Simran! I could relate it well and understand the insight... and it pinches hard. A change is needed and I too support the cause of firing something out of fire even I’m one of a firemen playing with fire :)

    Wish you Happy Diwali and share the spirit with your dear once :)
    Best regard

    1. Dear Jeevan,
      I am happy that you ca relate and feel my words. A positive sign I can see, when something pinches we turn towards and notice. Great to see the passion of fire in you... Flourish enlightenment :)

      Glad to receive your wishes.Thank you so much dear.
      Happy Diwali to you too :)

  3. You can Change this malfeasance change,
    Because you are changed to make Changes!
    Changes that could make justice with sanction of truth

    Awesome lines baby! Beautiful writing!

    1. Thank you so much, Valli :-)
      You speaks exactly in your posts what I think and feel ...
      Lots of love to you!

  4. Wow..lovely poem and a deep one at that !
    True, one must be the change one wishes to see around...

    Nice Read! :)

    Take Care

    1. Welcome Back, Fatima
      Glad to have you after a long long time :)

      Great to know you enjoyed the read. Keep stopping by and showering your blessings on me :-)

      Take care too ...

  5. you carry so much in your heart to burst out with such a poetry...!!
    quite a strong post... loved it btw.

    1. Welcome to My Friendship, Sathish!

      I am flying reading your words :)
      Thank you so much. Glad you loved it! Keep blessing My Friendship with your love and support!

      Stay Smiling!

  6. Simran a very happy diwali to you and family, please do extend my regards to your parents .. You have a beautiful lovely night and enjoy the festivals.. dont eat too much.. thats it my department :)

    loved the poem as usual very meaningful and as i have said so many times you are a beautiful person and have a lovely heart, how you come up with such meaningful words I am amazed, But GOOOD.. you do Keep it up always

    Take care

    1. Bikram Dear,

      So sweet of you..I'll surely convey your regards to my parents :-)
      I love festive seasons because of yum yum foody and that too cooked especially by Dady :-) :-) I'll take care not to over eat :p LOL

      Delighted reading your words. Thank you so much for making me smile and encouraged each time. Hope to continue with the same spark of amazement in my words. Thank you so much!

      Take care!
      Happy Diwali to you too...

  7. Very well crafted :) "In search of a way", a very strong voice there :) Loved the entire feel my dear! A very Happy Diwali to you & your family Simmi. Take care! Have a blast :D

    1. Happy you felt my words that intensely.I hope it brings a spirit of change in minds...Thank you so much dear :-)
      Happy Diwali to u too!

  8. loved the poem , beautifully crafted.
    Happy Diwali to you & your family Simmi.

  9. Lovely words, Simran:) Wishing you a lovely festive time!

  10. This is such a beautiful poetry little one.. Keep writing..

    Someone is Special

    1. My each poetry is incomplete without your views, Special One :)
      Thanks a lot!

      Keep Smiling!

      Little one


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