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Let it be A Suspense

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 31; the thirty-first edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. The theme for the month is 'Strangers in the Night'

Oops! I missed my bus 

Its Hilarious! to wait while saying she draws a sad face on the wall.
                    Next night...
She is before the time and is dumbstruck to see the sad face she sketched now smiling.
Sweet, who could be...?
Let it be a Suspense!  ''Strangers In The Night'' she writes and leave.

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. Introduced By: Someone is Special , Participation Count: 06


  1. Replies
    1. Welcome to My Friendship, Anisha

      Thank you so much for the wishes!
      Good Luck to you too :)

  2. Let it be a Suspense Little One! I'm glad to say I'm reading a future Queen of 55's! Keep writing! Good Luck!

    Someone is Special

    1. Whoa! That's a big title! Was in doubt to post this for the contest or not but Happy you liked it... yeyyyyy :)

      Thank you so much.

  3. Haha - The stranger changed it to smiling face huh... Short and sweet Sim

    Strangers in the Night

  4. Very curt and meaningful redressal. Supe.

    1. Happy to have you here...
      Thank you so much , Maun Vision

  5. Simran, you need to write a small post after this explaining what you mean. for the likes of slow readers like me .. It gets too complicated :) he he he

    but it was funny, thinking who that stranger could be who put the SMILE on the sad face .. you do that do you , make a face while waiting .. I do it too :)


    1. Oyiii.. need to explain this? Hmm
      I'll come with the idea in the form of a proper story.

      Heheh.. yes, fun even in imagination :D
      Same pinch* I do :p :D

  6. hahaha!!
    another 55er? lovely!!
    the suspense is in the air indeed!wonder who did it!!!many possibilities.
    keep it up :)
    all the best dear!

    1. Possibilities have no end ;)
      Glad you felt the Suspense in the air and Fiction :D

      Thanks wishes to you too!

  7. Sweet one. Looks like this SHE is a big girl but little at heart. :)
    And in my views, the stranger is an old man. Don't know why I say that.

    1. Yes, you guessed it right that SHE is me... a perky girl! :D
      Ouch! an old man .. maybe!! :P
      after all its about Strangers!! well that would be funny indeed. Thanks for sharing your views! :)

  8. Interestingly done. Nice. I have usually read your poems only. First time reading a 55er from you.

    1. Glad you found it interesting, TF! :)
      Yep.. usually I write poems ...this is my second try for F:55

  9. i simply loved the one :)
    ATB for BAT :)
    i could not participate...but u can see my post here
    Karan - Strangers in the Night

    1. Glad you liked it, Karan :)
      Thank you so much for your wishes....
      Sad... I'll be st yours soon. Thanks for sharing :)

  10. that was very cute! it was suspense with a touch of optimism at the end. <3 :-)

    1. Glad reading your words ,irene.
      thank you so much :)

  11. Good one write good 55F. Good luck for BAT.

    1. Welcome to My Friendship, Diwakar

      Happy you liked it! :)
      Thank you so much for the wishes
      Best wishes to you too !

  12. Moral of the story 'One should not draw faces on walls' What says you Simran? :D ha ha...Anyways was an interesting read. Good Luck!

  13. Welcome to My Friendship, jaish_vats

    Hahaha ... yeah ;)
    Glad you found it interesting.Thank you so much. Hope to have here again.
    Best wishes to you too :)

  14. Hmm first I got confused, why in world is she sad? :P Then re-read again. Good post dear friend :)

    1. When I made my friends read this one ..they said kya hai? :P
      LOL! Its hard to understand at once. Happy you re read and the confusion is no more :)
      Thanks buddy! :)
      BTW..How's everything going? How you did in exams?

  15. oh .. Good one simran ..i liked it ..

  16. Can be tagged as anything from haunting to cute! I`ll stick to the latter! Nice one.


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