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Blank Pages

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 28; the 28th Edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. The topic for this month is 'BLANK PAGES'.
After missing many of the contests I was determined to take part in blog-a-ton contest but when I read the topic ''Blank Pages'' I was left  screeching my head and with no idea  I  thought why not to post a blank post with the contest codes. I know that sounds too funny and seems too stupid but still was pondering, Should I? :p :p

Dropping that silly idea in an exhaustion I opened my diary in which I write down my poems, stories, thoughts and many more things. Turning up the pages aimlessly I stopped at the page I last filled with my creation,'' Feelings remain indelible when...''. 

Whenever I feel bore I read them, correct and decorate. As I read my last poem , I turned over the next page and many more blank pages yet to be filled.The pages I filled are precious for me more than anything because they identifies me, my thoughts and feelings are worth for the ones who read me to get to know me but what about those blank pages?

I gave a thought how do those blank pages really means to me, precious or nothing??? And soon I understood... '' those blank pages worth more than my filled pages because those blank pages yells aloud with the completion of each page and asks me to pen down a new mystery, hidden pain, my imaginations, different phases of relations and love , to replete their incompleteness with words. Those blank pages always welcome and honor my sudden thoughts and allot them a perpetual place as a blessed memories and collection. ''  
The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.


  1. dear Simran
    yes ,these blank pages depict a very important part of our life ..the future. don't you think so? they shape our thoughts that finally culminate in to our future.
    Even I do maintain my diary and it stores up a wonderful story of my life over a year ....Its lovely to read it, helps me to be a better person :D:D
    all the best dear :D:D

    1. Hey ash,
      I agree ,they do depict a very important part of our life that is yet to be illustrated.
      Nice to know that you too maintain your diary and its good to preserve some sweet and sour happenings in life. At times they provide us mental strength. I am happy that my write up is shaping to to something more better, nothing could greater than that :)

      Your words makes me happy .Thank you so much ash! :)

  2. Nicely captured the importance of the blank page, Simran. Best of luck for the blog-a-ton.

    1. Glad you liked it!
      Thanks a lot for the wishes. Happy to have you here .

  3. Nicely penned down. Yeah, the blank pages are of high value because we can still fill them in the way we like.
    All the Best:)

    1. Welcome to My Friendship , DS

      Happy you found it nice. Without blank pages there is no journey, no progression at all!

      Thank you so much dear :)

  4. I feel exactly the same way. the empty pages of my diary motivate me to write more so that i can just feel that immense satisfaction gaping at the scribbled words :)
    and i SWEAR i have a 2010 diary which has pages that look EXACTLY like yours!! :) :D
    Nice take on 'Blank Pages' Simran!
    and good luck :)

    1. Welcome To My Friendship, N.S. Kirti

      Happy you too feels the same about the blank pages. And Wow! Same pinch* for the same dairy :D
      Glad you liked it! Happy to have you ...
      Thank you so much.

  5. Interesting co-relation between the blank pages and the individual...

    1. Welcome To My Friendship, Richi

      Happy you found it interesting. Thank you so much for stopping by!

  6. Very true! I wish there’s more worthwhile waiting to fill the pages and completely rewarding.

    You lovely hand-wrote the poem on the dairy, dear :)
    Have a nice day!

    1. That's so sweet of you... :)
      Wow! You liked my writing! Happy, Thank you so much dear.
      You too have a nice day ahead! :)
      Happy to have you here...

  7. Every blank page of our lives that we fill, depict something new. Lovely read. Good luck with the contest :)

  8. Well....nice post n blog too! I really like this interesting post! Congrats! Wish u all the best!

    1. Happy you liked my blog and post too :)
      Thanks for the wishes, Virendra :)

      Hope to see you here again.

  9. ah ha what a beautiful thought simran for the blank pages ..


    1. So happy you liked it and felt my thoughts beautiful :)
      Yeyyyyyy!! :D
      Thank you so much dear .

  10. "Those blank pages always welcome and honor my sudden thoughts and allot them a perpetual place as a blessed memories and collection." - Nothing can be better than this.. Loved your post a lot Little One.. Best wishes for you to win this time.

    1. Here's my Special One's special views ... I was waiting for :)
      Your appreciation makes me fly and makes me write more better than the previous one. Thank you so much , Special One :)
      That's really sweet of you, I am sure your wishes will make me one of the winner this time :)
      Thank you so much...


  11. Wonderful thinking. Good luck for BAT.

    1. Welcome to My Friendship , jaish_vats

      Glad you liked my thoughts. Thank you so much :)

  12. i can see why this particular blog has so many followers just by reading this one post. Easily one of the best ones i have read lately. :)

    1. Awww! :)
      That's so sweet of you saying that , Shona :)
      Thank you so much dear

  13. blank pages and its importance...beautifully done...blank pages help us understand a very important part of life when we get stuck in something and don't get answers...nice one Simran...well done... :)

  14. Blank pages also have a story to tell - I agree with that.

  15. How powerful are your words. . I loved the verses in the second half, which adds a character to the one saying it! Really nice :)
    Stay Blessed.

    Priya M

  16. Welcome To My Friendship, thislifeilove
    Glad you liked and felt my words powerful!
    Thank you so much,Priya :)

    Hope to see you again.. :)

  17. That was very beautiful little one. Those blank pages open us to more surprises in life :) Love it!

    1. Glad you felt that beautiful :)
      Blank pages are surprising indeed! :)

      Love you Dear One!


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