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Post Written for the Romantic Friday Writers Challenge- 27 

It was about couple of days before they were together embracing each-other with belief .For when, they stayed together no matter what's the day and night. They were friends since their childhood. How does the time flied they never realized .At tender age, words never mean a lot to her but very soon she come to know, words are the reflection of heart and feelings so every word was encountered by her now even after knowing his humorous nature she couldn't tolerate his bantering because she started loving him and he accommodated a special place in her fragile heart. She thought to let this reality within her and to let him read her eyes flowing love with every glimpse.

But a little misunderstanding that bubble love diffused. Those few words spoken in few seconds broke a relationship continuing since their childhood. There has been not a single day that they stayed away from each other but today their lives were rotating as supernova with twists and turns took them apart. She was deeply hurt and miffed by his words. There was nothing more left that could sooth her or calm her, no one to answer her uprising questions, no one to hear her pain or understand because she was unable to configure or even utter this bitter truth. There was a battle going on between her heart and mind along with frustration. Tears and solitary were her only companions.

Month passed, but those scratches on her heart and mind haven't healed yet. A transformation took place in her after this unexpected incident. That ever smiling face was now with tears, those shining eyes were now dim, no more that childishness was in her, all time enchanting lips were now sealed with pain, and those dreamy thoughts were now dreary. She was ruminating, demoralizing, insomniac by each passing moment within. Every incident, moment they had together flashed before her unrest eyes drenched with tears. She was like a moving dead body, looking weird with dark circles below her eyes, rough skin with pale complexion.

One night gazing up at dark sky sparkling with stars she smiled when she saw a cascading star. A tear rushed down on her cheek as she closed her eyes. She made a wish ''Please, make all misunderstandings clear. He doesn’t know what the reality is and how madly I love him! I can't wait for him any more...I'll die!''

As she opened her eyes, found him standing before with tears in his eyes. She was surprised and glad to see him and wanted to have those tight pair of arms but his staring eyes stopped her from doing so. After a long deep breathe holding her hand he said, ''I'm so sorry for not believing in you and for those words disgruntled you! I'm sorry my dear .Being away from you I realized your worth in my life and how immensely I love you. You're the sparkle of my life...Enlightened my each day with the lustrous happiness .Being apart from you I came to know that I've lost the sparkle of my life (you). Forgive me and replace the shade of darkness with the sparkle of your love and light.''
She smiled and forgave him with mutual promise of love and faith!

With this post I want to ask ...
Why don't we think that our each and every word ,action is being admired by our loved ones , We do whatever we want without thinking that our one word or action could destroy someone's life,  can take away someone's smile, can make someone's life living worthless!!


  1. misunderstandings are very common in a relation. but purposely hurting someone can worth a lot. we may lose our most precious possession on earth. so trust the one you love. true love never departs, unites even after years of waiting.

    loved your story little princess:)

    you shine!

  2. where there is love and friendship,misunderstandings are bound to strengthens the relationship...well written Simran.

  3. Hi,

    Lovely tale of romantic love and forgiving hearts! ;)



  4. Dear Simran,

    This story touches on a very common problem in many relationships of all kinds. Unfortunately, misunderstandings are not always cleared up.

    I like the happy end in this story; that they found each other again.

    Best wishes,

    Anna's RFW challenge No 27 Sparkle!

  5. Hi Simran. Here is a story that begins so sadly and continues to emit a lot of angst on her part as she wonders what went wrong. I love the phrase: scratches on her heart. The ending had lots of sparkle.

    Thank you for posting your story for RomanticFridayWriters this week.

    Happy Christmas!


  6. Hello Simran dear.
    I felt her heartbreak in the beginning & I'm glad he was able to come to his senses & realize she is the light of his life. (I love happy endings.)
    You did very well with the challenge.
    I like the new background too.
    Thanks for sharing.

    For ref:
    On This Painful, Tear-Filled Night

  7. Lovely story Simran

  8. Hi Simran
    You have captured the true feeling of a broken heart and turned sorrow to joy and understanding. And you did so with English as a second language for you. I loved your story. Well done.

  9. This story reminded me of a row I had with my first love. It ended the same way as your story and for a time I was in bliss. Thanks for reminding me that love can be fixed. Beautiful story!

  10. Well written my jaan...i m sure many f the readers must have been through the situation.
    O! blessed r those people who get love f their life.

    Love U!!

  11. Nice story..I like that misunderstandings were cleared.

  12. This is lovely. Misunderstandings are like catalyst, they react to bring bitterness in relations. TC :) xx

  13. Simran, I liked your sweet love story and am glad the couple realized the mistake they had made and made up:)

  14. can we ever truely know ourselv let alone anyone else? probbly not. The search is for a slowunraveling of experience and being as open as we can to our unfolding licves . hi simran :)

  15. rare but maybe misunderstandings actually can strengthen a relationshp wen cleard...u just have to dig deep to sort it out....i loved the story...loved the way u penned it...:)

  16. Firstly, the falling petals totally complimented the story and I loved it!
    Simple and it had me captured fully :)
    And yes, people just opt to hurt their beloveds and sometimes believe in others more and misunderstandings can rot a good old relationship *Sighs*

  17. Great post Simran! Misunderstandings can change a life's course - its the scariest thing to happen in many situations...

  18. I think it's the disunity we have between our mind and our heart that makes things a bit complicated. But if we try hard enough perhaps, we could get things right, the way it did here in your story. However, it doesn't have to take that long. Words have strong effects on people.

  19. I forgot to comment over here Simy

    Awesome work

  20. pain and love is impeccably displayed.. very touchy.. this stage often come in lives of people where they come to know the importance of a relationship at the later stage.. but I think this stage has immense power to make the relationship even more stronger..

    Beautifully written Sim..

    Touched me deeply :)

    Love <3


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