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  1. :) Am honoured Simran.
    Thank you for these lovely awards.

    Blasphemous Aesthete

  2. wow... so generous of u :)

  3. AWWW!!! Thank you! Thank You So much Simran!
    Happy and honored too!!!
    May Our Friendship will always last forever...

    Oh! and Thanks for the Theme song "De Ghuma ke" playing on your blog...WE ARE THE WORLD CHAMPIONS!!! :)

  4. I am humbled :)
    Thank you very much =)
    Many best wishes for you girl =) <3

  5. I am honored:)
    Thank You simran.
    Lots of hugs!

  6. Thanks ever so much Simran. You are very kind.

    Always Happy

  7. Thanks ever so much Simran. You are very kind.

    Always Happy

  8. Thank you so much Simran. I am humbled if you can consider me so special. Take care and keep writing, I may not be as frequent here, but I make sure I keep coming around always :)

  9. Thanks a lot for the Award Sim:) You are such a nice person like your blogs..My best wishes......:)

  10. Thank you Simran! you are so kind!

    I love your new header photo and your template design!

    take care!

  11. I am honoured simran.. Thanks a lot for your wonderful award.. SmileS.. Happy to find you via Indiblogger..

    Someone is Special

  12. Hey, Hi
    well, when u say u like my blog, that in itself is a compliment...and saying it through an award!! hehehe, that is soo nice...


    The Silhouette...

  13. thank you soooooooo muchhhhhhhhh simran...:) u.......

  14. Congratulations to all the winner ..

    Good luck


  15. hey....thanks a lot dear...I am honoured....and I am nominating your blog for second one award(Gorgeous Blogger Award)and giving my vote to you....

    love you sweetie...

  16. hey wow, thanks a lot dear! :)))
    And i am amidst some really wonderful bloggers too! :)

    Take care! :)

  17. oh! little princess you really surprised me..............thanks a lot, tons and tons of love for you.

  18. Wow!!....Two awards!!....ThanQ so much Simran....^_^

    Thank you so much for considering me..:)

  19. @Anshul
    You deserve that , Anshul :)



    @Beyond Horizon
    It will be dear ever and forever! :)
    Yup..Feeling so proud on Team India:)
    Take care!

  20. @Ph_
    Thank You so much for your wishes! :)
    Take care!

    Hey, thanks for the hugs! :)
    Hugs and love to you!..


  21. @Always Happy
    May this happiness never get fade in your life!
    Love & Care to you too :)

    That would be nice to see you around! :)
    You too take care! :)

    That's so kind of you!
    Thanks for the wishes :)
    Take care!

    Thank you so much dear :)
    Take care too!

  22. @Someone is Special
    You deserve that ! :)
    Take care!

    @Eon Heath
    Well, that's my way! :)
    Take care!

    Love you too dear! :D

    Awards are waiting for you too!

  23. @Noor-ul-ain Hanif
    Welcome to my blog
    Thanks! :)

    @Hema Di
    How sweet!
    Thanks :)

    That's so sweet of you! :)

    @fantacy in practicality
    Thank You so much for your love:)
    Love to you too..
    Take care!

  24. @sm

    You have an Awesome blog! :)

  25. so sweet of you simran. was aise hi hamesha sath rahna or houshla aafjaai karte rahna. i also like your blogs so much.. :) keep posting dear

  26. i've been thinking of how awards could be given to friends... and here you are presenting yours to us in a very simple yet creative way...

    your ingenuity... that sense of aliveness... your youth and spirit inspire me so much...the world needs enthusiastic people like you... thanks for sharing your life with me... GOD BLESS you...

    i am very grateful little one... THANK YOU SOOO MUCH...

  27. Thank you for the beautiful awards! Your blog is beautiful.


  28. Hi dear, sorry for the late reply and Wow! so thrilled with the sweet words of yours.Thanks dear for making me feel like.Be like this always and I am actually very busy these days but I will be back with a bang soon till then bye and take care.

  29. Thank you so much for awarding me .. I have them showing off on my awards Page now :)


  30. thanks a lot Simran... i feel honored having this.... :)
    BTW sory for coming over here so late, in fact i was off the net since last few days.... so could not even read a single post.

    Take Care,


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