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Why so?

When we get success,
We think the whole world is ours,
When we get failure,
We think we are ineffectual,
         WHY SO?

When we get love ,
We think we are special,
But when we stop getting love ,
We think people are so mean..

When we become center of temptation,
We think we are the most important one,
But when people don't admire us,
We think that people are evading from us,

When people cares for us,
We don't even notice them,
But when they stops caring ..
It hurts,

When someone sacrifices life for us,
We don't give value to them,
But when we sacrifices our life for someone and they don't realize..
It hurts,

When someone love us,
With all his heart,
We don't respect to their emotions,
But when we love someone with all our heart and is not valued...
It hurts,

When we get rude with the person who is affectionate with us,
We don't think how much painful for them to listen,
But when someone close to our heart do the same..
It hurts,

Why this much late realization?
Why don't we think that our each and every word ,action is being admired by our loved ones , We do whatever we want without thinking that our one word or action could destroy someone's life,  can take away someone's smile, can make someone's life living worthless!!


  1. Maybe it is because we are too used to much used to staying on on side of a one sided looking glass. It shows only us, and we do not the same thing when we do it to others.

    Nice one.

    Blasphemous Aesthete

  2. @Anshul
    Yes, you caught right :)
    We just think about ourself and do not realize the other's pain ..
    Thank You so much :)

    Keep Visiting..
    Cheers ;)

  3. Twinkle twinkle Simran star,beautifully laid nice blog,but reduce the glare of your text,its hard to read.Good contents also.

  4. I am so happy to have come across your style..and your blog.

  5. beautiful poem
    cares for us,
    We don't even notice them,

  6. thought provoking write and very insightful!

    I think sometimes we spent to much time worrying about what other people think. Why is that?

    As long as you are compassionate about others then one would not feel insecure and worry about what they think.

    think about others
    wonderful message!

  7. @Royal Nirupam
    Thanks for the rhyme :)
    Ok I'll reduce it ...
    Hoping your more visits at myspace!

  8. @ Alpana
    Thank You so much dear :)
    Keep Visiting!

  9. @Hope
    Thank You :)
    Keep Visiting!

  10. Nice one so many questions .. i guess human nature that is to feel averse when thigs dont go our way ..


  11. @SIM I like your writing style :) Keep the great work up :D

  12. Wow! loved the presentation, words you used touched my heart and you have asked very apt question and the answer in the end is full of wisdom.great job!

  13. well... its human tendency, we want every thing to happen as we want....
    nice one again...:)

  14. @Bikramjit
    It's because of our selfishness and downtrodden thinking ..!
    Thank You!

  15. @SUMIT
    Welcome to my blog!
    Thank You :)
    Keep visiting..

  16. @Pratibha The Talent :)
    Thank You so much dear :)
    Keep Visiting..

  17. @ IRFAN
    Hmm..Ya want everything in our favour even after committing wrong things!

    Thank You :)

  18. well done simran...
    It hurts,
    WHY SO?
    don't why but yeah it hurts...and not only us...everyone hurts...but we never thought..that what we are doing or what we are may hurt others...
    we always so selfish only want to talk about ourselves...again why so??
    nobody knows why so...
    just as it we are..because we are human...with heart which feels, has emotions..

    but still those emotion are for us only...not for we really cares for others...

    anyways...I liked ur post...hey i hv a poem related to same emotion somewhere...will post it soon...
    keep checking my blog dear...

    take care..
    keep smiling n keep writing...:):)

  19. @Hema Di
    Thank You so much for such a sweet comment :)
    Ya sure I'll ..
    You too keep smiling :)

  20. @ Manpreet
    Thank You so much dear :)
    Ya sure I'll ..
    You too Keep visiting!

  21. quite a deep and eloquent thought...
    well i think its because we always perceive that grass is always greener on the other side of reminded of a song by Coldplay----

    "When you try your best, but you don't succeed
    When you get what you want, but not what you need
    When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep...
    Stuck in reverse"
    FIX YOU!!!!

  22. @Rolling stone
    Hmm.. quite simillar :)
    Thank you :)


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